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Sparrow Lake


Historically the origin of Sparrow lake is filled with many uncertainties, its beauty however is no mystery as visitors and residences are continuously captivated by this wonder named Sparrow Lake.  The residence of Sparrow lake today are certain about its future to maintain its tranquility so that generations can continue to be captivated. With the support of our members and the collaboration with other groups and associations And let's not forget the efforts of the managing members themselves. Sparrow Lakes' future will be a healthy and prosperous one. 
Click below to find out how you can start helping today. 


About Us

Serving Cottagers from Swift Rapids to Lock 42

The Sparrow Lake Association (SLA) was established in 1926 by a group of concerned and caring cottagers who thought a committee should be established to look out for the best interests of all cottagers on the lake and surrounding area. The SLA has been in existence since that time, and has provided different services, organized events, advocated positions to various levels of government, and kept cottagers informed on cottage related topics.

The SLA, a not for profit corporation, is predominantly a social and environmental advocacy group. We organize events, that allow cottagers to come together, for social reasons. We also monitor environmental issues, to ensure the longevity of the lake. Recent issues have been water levels, boating safety, development, and fish habitat.

The SLA also works on projects for the safety and benefit of all cottagers. Water testing samples are done every summer, to test the water quality and are recorded with the Ministry of Natural Resources. We work in conjuntion with the O.P.P. (Ontario Provincial Police) to ensure water safety guidelines are understood by the boaters and enforced for the safety of all cottagers.

Video Footage of Sparrow Lake
Our Goal

The goal of the Sparrow Lake Association is to provide effective communication to all cottage owners and members of the association. 


SLA is a member of FOCA (Federation of Cottagers Association) and will provide members information from FOCA.


Check out our newsletters and look at some of the events you can participate in. 


For our Spring 2024 Newsletter, click here

News & Updates

All the Latest News In One Place

Sparrow Lake Association is a member of FOCA

Sparrow Lake Association is a member of FOCA and works in conjunction with FOCA and offers all members reduced insurance rates and information to any and all aspects that FOCA researches for all Cottage Associations across Ontario.

Sparrow Lake Association is a member of FOCA

All Social Events for SLA have been put on HOLD.

Since 2018, all social events for SLA have been put on hold. A survey was held with all SLA members in winter 2017/18 and it was decided and agreed upon to put social events on hold for the time being.


We are a virtual association and no social events will be planned for summer 2020.


All information is provided to members via email and social media. Information exchange is critical to keeping everyone aware of important issues that involve Sparrow Lake.

All Social Events for SLA have been put on HOLD.
Sparrow Lake
Historical Society
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